Do some Stash Busting! Drowning in Paper and Art Stuff is a big deal for Junk Journalers, Book Makers, and Paper Crafters. One thing that I can do to start with the clean up is to make some tags with index cards and scrap paper. I love tags! Thank goodness I am finally putting some leftover scrapbook paper to use as well! Please scroll down for the video.
Stash Busting Drowning in Paper and Art Stuff
I can’t find my favorite go to scissors due to an overwhelming amount of papers and stuff that I have scattered around! You can see some strips of paper, laces, fibers, threads, ribbons, buttons, etc. that I am going to put to use to straighten up some of this mess! I am Stash Busting because I am Drowning in Paper and Art Stuff
Papers made out of old book pages abound-love them too! I will glue some together and trim them down to make some nifty tags. We can add with glue some items like buttons, ribbons, or fabric to the tags. I also always like aging (distressing) tags and other paper creations with my trusty brown shoe polish as you can see.
Now we are tearing a piece from a book page to write a little phrase that comes to mind to place on the tags for a nice added personal touch. This may or may not actually be meaningful to anyone but myself, but that’s okay! More tags, more added trinkets to them, and other ideas that come to mind, and just maybe I will have some of these leftover items out of the way some day soon! Anyhow, once again it is all about doing things your own special way and having great fun as you do it! We can begin Stash Busting – Drowning in Paper and Art Stuff be gone!!
May joy be with you all!

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