Shhhh… Listen to YOUR Creative Dreams! Let me tell you a little secret – YOU and you alone have something unique to create. No one else on this earth has your particular knowledge, experience, dreams, and talent.
Listen to YOUR Creative Dreams
Shhhh … Listen to Your Creative Dreams
Yep. YOU have talent. Talent, with a capital T! It is your birthright. It is that special gift you have been given.
Whether it’s creating a symphony, a hip hop dance, or a tiny little traveler’s notebook… you are the ONLY one who carries its specific blueprints.
If you’ve ever listened to that small, still voice in the dark recesses of your soul, you know this is true. Somewhere in there, the longing to manifest this gift speaks to you on a regular basis; it’s that dream you keep coming back to, the one that usually feels so unreachable.
Your Talent or Gift
Stop a minute and think about your talent or gift! What do YOU believe is YOUR gift? My purpose is to inspire you to explore the path your talent places in your soul and to help you define your own creative process.
Your creative process is actually hard at work most all the time … even if you are unaware of it. Creative thinking informs every decision you make, from problem-solving a broken shoelace replacement 10 minutes before the bus comes to deciding which emotion to express when your child’s heart is broken. Creativity is at work.
The creative process is a lifeblood we all share — a fundamental human birthright. It is the engine that drives your dreams. Listen to YOUR Creative Dreams!!
Your Pesky Dreams
Oh those pesky dreams. They keep popping up. Whether you want to admit it or not, those creative dreams of yours are not going to go away. Far from it, they will poke and prod you relentlessly until you finally give in and listen.
Following that dream requires a freedom we think we do not have. It requires time we do not think we have. Listening to those voices in your head that tell you things like, “Pursuing my dream would mean too much hard work, too many hours, too much money, even less time on Facebook or Pinterest!”
My response is to challenge you to think of how devastating it would be to come to the end of your life and realize that you missed your chance to get your art out. If you settle you can die with most of your art still inside you … That, my friend, is really the end of the road.
Pursuing YOUR creative dreams requires bravery, discipline, patience, and a little ingenuity … That 20 minutes a day thing I am always talking about. We are learning how to pursue them by actually DOing something to accomplish them. Right?
That DOing this is is key to making progress. If you have the courage to stand in your own truth…
Challenge Your Creative Dreams
I challenge you to honor your creative process instead of fighting it. Reaching your dreams simply means exercising the creativity muscle regularly. I challenge you to Listen to YOUR Creative Dreams … NOW!!!
That is what building and nurturing a Daily Creative Practice looks like. Consistent, 20 minutes a day over time fuels your own passionate creative confidence. Just 20 minutes a day folks. Becoming a DO-ER in 2020!! Shhhh … Listen to Your Creative Dreams
Dreamers Into Doers #DID2020 is all about Contagious Creativity
The more people who join in…the more fun and growth we will have.
How can I help you? How can I inspire your creativity today? How can I serve you?
Contagious Creativity
I want YOU to find a team or community of creators who are working on their practice just like YOU. I want us to be contagious with each other. Expand your creativity and GROW together!
Make your creativity contagious.
I want you to invite others you know who might be interested to join us. Help spread the word.
Are you ready?
Happy creating!
May joy be with you all!
How can I serve YOU? How can I inspire YOUR creativity today? How can I help YOU? Learn about our Dreamer Into Doers 2020 Challenge. 20 minutes per day to develop and nurture a Personal Daily Creative Practice. There is Contagious Creativity awakening all around us. Come join the Contagious Creativity movement at
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