JOY ~ Receive and Nourish Sunday Inspiration Chat 13
I want to chat a little bit about Journal The Word in You Book of Notes. I thought it might be nice for me to share my process of reading The Word and then journaling it.
First of all, I choose the same time of the day to open my Bible. I also have a special place in my home and one outside where I sit and read.
Preparation: I give myself at least one minute of quiet breathing to ‘connect’ with God. Then I Lift a little prayer to open my heart to its wisdom.
Sometimes I find it helps to re-read the passage from the previous day before opening and integrating a new one.
Read each Scripture at least twice:
- Once to get the overview and general vibe
- The second time to deepen your experience.
Journal. This is where I just allow the presence of God to lead my heart and my pen. I don’t overthink what I am going to write. It is more like a free writing exercise or a brain dump. I just want to get it all out.
At some point, I feel compelled to put my pen down and breathe. I take a few seconds to sit with the feelings that have come up for me. If a word or phrase pops out to me, I may return to write some more. I may circle it or highlight it. I often find that this is the exact thing I need to explore with my paints or pencils or markers.
It often starts with a line or a mark. You have seen, hopefully, how I work in my journal… I just go for it. That is my JOY!
I believe that JOY is a form of courage. I can choose to be happy and joyous. It just takes a simple decision to go to a joy-filled place, no matter what is happening all around you.
Receive The Word and Nourish Your JOY!
That is exactly what our Book of Words is about. Finding a peaceful place to connect and interact with Jesus.
40 backgrounds offer an endless supply of possibilities. You can mix and match. You can embellish in your own style. You can pray with the set each day and let the Spirit move you to what you need.
It is a fun new way to approach the Bible and The Word. It is a starting place. Plus, it is easy and fun. Come join in the fun. Invite your friends and family along. Let’s Journal The Word together in our Book of Notes together.
How can I help you? How can I inspire your creativity today? How can I serve you?
I would love to see what you are doing with the pages and the Printables. You can post on the Cre8tiva FB page. I hope you have found some courage to be joy-filled in our JOY ~ Receive and Nourish Sunday Inspiration Chat!!
JOY ~ Receive and Nourish
I will end this chat with the love I have for each of you who are following along.
May joy be with you all!
How can I serve YOU? How can I inspire YOUR creativity today? How can I help YOU? Learn about our Dreamer Into Doers 2020 Challenge. 20 minutes per day to develop and nurture a Personal Daily Creative Practice. There is Contagious Creativity awakening all around us. Come join the Contagious Creativity movement at
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