Today we have an Easy Embossed Cover for Junk Journals, altered books, and other handmade books. Welcome to day 28 of our junk journaling journey. We are learning an embossing technique on a book cover in this tutorial. Sometimes I leave the book cover as is, while other times I paint it, decorate the front only, or do a collage, etc. There are many options available. I’m calling the cover “Enchanted” for this tutorial. I want the cover to reflect this word of course. Please scroll down to view the video tutorial.
Easy Embossed Cover for Junk Journals
The first step here is to gesso the cover, regardless of whether painting or collaging. This provides ‘tooth’ to it, allowing for your choice of element to adhere well. I like to set a piece of wax paper underneath the cover to protect the book pages. I’m using a napkin with a lovely bird and cage scene on it to place on the cover. As seen in the video, I use a piece of tape to assist in pulling the backing off the napkin. TearIng the parts of the napkin that are to be used comes next. The cage with bird and butterfly sections are chosen, and I use gel medium to set them. Gel is brushed both under and over pieces. Love it!!
Now using watercolor, we mix a couple of colors and randomly brush up and down, then dab a bit into the watercolor while still damp, leaving a nice textured finish. Now we add a little yellow and dab. Next a bit of blue paint is added (not too much), including to the bird! Play and have fun here!!
Now we will take a stencil and spread some molding paste over it with a plastic card. Spread and pull back as shown. The white floral design set adjacent to the bird cage adds a nice touch I think. I hope you like the resulting artwork as much as I do!
Once again you see that there isn’t a single way to make art with junk journaling. Creating what you are supposed to create will happen if you follow your heart and imagination!
May joy be with you all!
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