See this amazing Matchbook Flip Thru Plus Art Project Management Ideas. My Project Management ideas to organize my art projects. Mixed Media at its most fun. You won’t want to miss it. Please scroll down for today’s video.
Matchbook Flip Thru Video
Today we are going to review our Once in a Lifetime booklet. I hope you have enjoyed this project as much as I have. (Click HERE for the Tri-Fold Matchbook Folder Tutorial and Template after you watch the flip thru video below!!!) Time permitting, we will look at my little basket that I use to project manage. First we will untie the little matchbook. I added some more blue paint to the booklet yesterday after the tutorial. I also attached some butterflies and added some blue paint to them, along with two little text pieces. We have three journaling cards, one of which you can open and write on.
Now we will look at the interactive elements by opening the three levels all the way. Pockets, tags, and all the embellishments. On the first tab I used decorative scissors to make a special little pocket as shown. I love the ‘library’ round pocket by the way. The stenciling added a nice touch I think as well. Remember that pockets can be made with many different things of varying shapes and sizes. I find a lot of them in my cigar box. Please download the template that I gave you if you think it will help you. Can you believe that the entire box we made started with just that template?
You may want to keep a few ‘project boxes’ for each individual project you are working on like the one I’m showing here. All my paints, ribbons, Washi tapes, decorative scissors, little papers, book covers, printed papers, stencils, tag papers, portals for windows, and other trinkets and tidbits…Everything! A project box will help to keep things in order and make it easier for you. I also have a basket just for my tools that I use for all projects.
I’m here for you if you have questions, and learning with you as we grow. I hope you are having as much fun as I am. Enjoy your junk journaling journey as we move forward!!
May joy be with you all!
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