For Artists & Creatives!! Not Afraid to Try!! How can I serve YOU? How can I inspire YOUR creativity today? How can I help YOU? Learn about our Dreamer Into Doers 2020 Challenge. 20 minutes per day to develop and nurture a Personal Daily Creative Practice. There is Contagious Creativity awakening all around us.
Sunday Inspiration Chat
Every Sunday Certified Creativity Coach, Rebecca E, Parsons brings her down home, practical wisdom for Creatives of Every Genre.
How can I Inspire You Today?
Not Afraid to Try
How can I help you? How can I inspire your creativity today? How can I serve you?
I have this crazy idea that if I show others that I am not afraid to try something new that I saw somewhere… it might help YOU try new things too. Does this resonate with YOU? Am I on the right track here?
Here’s my confession this week: Am I an An Art Fraud? I am mostly a self-taught artist. I don’t have a degree in art. I have studied with some amazing artists and crafters over the years.
I come from the decorative painting world… murals, faux finishes, trompe l’oeil, stenciling, wood graining, etc. I studied with French and Italian Masters to hone my craft. I did what I loved every day for years! Then I broke my back in 1998 and it became evident that I would not be climbing scaffolding or ladders any more. So I began teaching others what I had learned along my path. And as a surprise to me, I found that loved sharing and seeing others grow and blossom.
a Master of Creative Thinking
Now I am not a master of arts or crafts. But I am willing to try! I am a fairly good muralist and a ‘joyful’ book maker. However, I do feel that I am a Master of Creative Thinking. So all I have to offer to YOU is to help open up Contagious Creativity for all of us!
Dreamers into Doers 2020 is all about exploring new things. Most days what the video will show is a wild and crazy BOHO art lady playing with a new concept, tool, or idea. That’s it!
It is more like an experimental play time. I am just a Dreamer exploring all kinds of new things this year. It is about layers of learning, building one upon the other, forming something special.
Do I know what I am doing? To be honest – Mostly no! I have a spark of an idea that I want to dig into. Sometimes it is messy. Sometimes it flows. Sometimes I create something beautiful and sometimes it flops.
That is what my live and barely edited videos will show… a person who is on a pilgrimage of searching and learning and growing. I hope it shows YOU that I am trying… taking one small step in the direction of my dreams. Oh those dreams…
I am committed to DOING
But instead of whiling away the hours day dreaming… I am committed to DOING … taking just one, often faltering, step each and every day this year. Just promising 19 minutes! And DOING it!! DOING!!!
Remember when I confessed that I suck at DOING? Yes.
WELL, this is Day 19. I have completed 19 videos for YOU! My mission is to SERVE YOU…. Inspire YOU …. Help YOU. But I need your help too.
Please tell me what you want and need for your journey in the comments below.
That is exactly what Contagious Creativity looks like. You helping me, helping others. I want YOU to find a community of creators who are working on their practice. I want us to be contagious to each other. Expand your creativity and GROW together! I want you to invite others you know who might be interested to join us. Help spread the word about Contagious Creativity.
Dreamers Into Doers { #DID2020 } is all about Contagious Creativity. The more people who join in…the more fun and growth we will ALL have. If you know someone who might want to play along…please invite them.
Are you ready? Until tomorrow, then.
Happy creating!
May joy be with you all!
How can I serve YOU? How can I inspire YOUR creativity today? How can I help YOU? Learn about our Dreamer Into Doers 2020 Challenge. 20 minutes per day to develop and nurture a Personal Daily Creative Practice. There is Contagious Creativity awakening all around us. Come join the Contagious Creativity movement at
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