Broken Crayons Still Color Inspiration
Confession Time 3
Dreamer Into Doer #DID2020
Contagious Creativity
Broken Crayons still color… Sunday Inspiration Chat
This was such a powerful statement when I heard it this week. It made me laugh and cry at the same time. My favorite childhood toy was an old cigar box full of broken stubs of crayons at my Grandparents house.
As an artist there is a freedom in your box of broken crayons. There is permission to let go of ‘perfect’ and just make art – whatever that means to YOU!!!
I promised that I would be sharing some of the lessons that I am learning along the way. Today I want to talk about Being Open or Breaking Open…
- Be open. As you start to peel away the layers of your Dreamer self, not everything will make sense to you.
- I hope you will suspend judgment, be open, and be willing to ‘not know.’
You may be pleasantly surprised. If a technique or process mystifies you, just be with that in the moment.
If things are proceeding too slowly…set the timer for 20 more minutes… or forget about the timer and go until you can’t go any longer.
There are no rules here. It is ALL about YOU and finding your personal daily creative practice. Whatever that looks like.
Contagious Creativity
I want you to find a community of creators who are working on their practice...jusy like YOU!!!
I hope that you will share your stories with me. I love stories!!
And this Crazy BOHO Art Lady thought perhaps my purpose is to launch an Imperfectionist Art movement of sorts.
Think this through with me… leaving perfection behind or having the freedom to BE exactly who you are meant to be as an artist. Ahhhhhhhh yes… that is where we want to be.
Meet me at the intersection of Intuition and Creativity at a place I call Intuitivity. Join the Contagious Creativity Club where broken crayons inspire and are JOUFUL reminders of that childhood time when we colored just for the sake of coloring…not to make art or money. Just for the sake of coloring….
May joy be with you all!
How can I serve YOU? How can I inspire YOUR creativity today? How can I help YOU? Learn about our Dreamer Into Doers 2020 Challenge. 20 minutes per day to develop and nurture a Personal Daily Creative Practice. There is Contagious Creativity awakening all around us. Come join the Contagious Creativity movement at
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