I want to show you…and myself… that Action Dilutes Fear for Artists and that we can get into the game of art and WIN!!! And I need you to be on the team of DOERS!! By DOing and Practicing for 20 minutes Every Single Day of 2020, we will explode our skillset, find new ways of doing things, and leave our Dreamer Selves behind.
Action Dilutes Fear for Artists
Are you with me?
Dreamers into Doers will have (God willing) 366 daily lessons. These video lessons are my gift to you. Organized by a monthly project theme and divided into weekly segments by day.
As you have probably noticed, I am one of those people who chase shiny objects. Yep… another confession. I get bored easily. So, placing a little structure by having a daily direction seems as logical as this Wild BOHO Art Lady can be… Here is our Play Date structure my lovelies:
- Sunday is Confession Time. Sharing some of the lessons that I am learning along the way. Encouraging and cheerleading!
- Monday is Art Terms day. A Deep dive into what makes art…well…. artful.
- Tuesday is Let’s Get Messy Day. All about painting.
- Wednesday is Lettering Day.
- Thursday is Drawing Day.
- Friday is Embellishment Day.
- Saturday is Folder Day. We will be folding our papers and pages into new structures.
The daily videos will vary with a new concept, a hack, a tip, a tool to deepen your experience. On the last Sunday of each month, I will hold a Live Q & A…ask me anything Session on Cre8tiva’s Facebook page.
And to celebrate this as organized as I get plan, I am creating a Planner Calendar for YOU to follow along. How does that sound?
I hope Each day will be like opening a gift of spacious creativity for YOU! How can I inspire you is always on my mind. If things are proceeding too slowly…set the timer for 20 more minutes… or forget about the timer and go until you can’t go any longer. There are no rules here. It is ALL about YOU and finding your personal daily creative practice. Whatever that looks like.
Contagious Creativity
I want YOU to find a team or community of creators who are working on their practice. I want us to be contagious to each other. Get into the game of your artful life. Swing, make messes, play with people who make different art than you. Expand your creativity and GROW together!
I want you to invite others you know who might be interested to join us. Help spread the word about Contagious Creativity.
Are you ready? Until tomorrow, then.
Happy creating!
May joy be with you all!
How can I serve YOU? …inspire YOUR creativity today? …help YOU? Journal The Word Class For 40 Days. We are Bible Journaling in a Junk Journal Style. This course is called Book of Notes – Journal The Word!! Let’s uncover the divine mysteries of your most alive and spacious creative self as we create a journal for your sermon notes, Sunday school thoughts, or reflections about your Bible Study. This event will run from March 1 through the Thursday before Easter or the Last Supper. You can join in any time!!
Learn about our Dreamer Into Doers 2020 Challenge. 20 minutes per day to develop and nurture a Personal Daily Creative Practice. There is Contagious Creativity awakening all around us. Come join the Contagious Creativity movement at https://www.facebook.com/Cre8Tiva/.
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