Wonder what to do after your children have moved out?
Find your career coming to an end?
Ready to reinvent yourself?
Feel that there is something more out there for you to find or do?
Want a to build a greater sense of security or sock $$$ away for retirement?
Curious to see what life coaching is all about?
Decide what is scarier to you–the safe, unlived life or the possible risk of going all in.
Make 2018 Count!
You owe it to your dreams, to your future self, to your friends and family to join the gang and find out how YOU can become a better version of YOU, starting right now. Doors close Thursday, 1/18/18 to the FREE journey.
- Recognize the possibilities in your life.
- Reach your goals faster.
- Give yourself permission to grow.
- Build a stronger sense of self-confidence.
- Gain clarity about what you want.
- Overcome fear, obstacles, and insecurities.
- Grow implementation without excuses.
- Improve confidence.
- Learn accountability.
You are invited to join the FREE BETA Gang because you are amazing and have so much to celebrate. You may feel lost after your children have moved out. You may be scared that you will not have anything to do when your career comes to an end. You may be ready to take a giant leap and reinvent yourself or a smaller jump and travel backroads. Or you simply want to find out if there is more out there for you to do. I am right there with you. I have suffered ALL the pain you have. I have been down. I have learned skills I will share. I have survived.
I landed in a space of my soul’s discontent after one messy week last July when I broke my knee, lost my best friend to cancer, and a corporate takeover dissolved my department. BOOM – I was handed a whole bunch of time to reflect and ponder my second act. When the tears dried, I was left with two choices – (1) Feel sorry for myself or (2) Reinvent myself. This GROW with Me journey is the exact holistic approach I discovered on my personal journey to the edge of desperation. I walk in YOUR shoes. I will hold nothing back. You ‘will’ GROW with Me.
Come join us…YOUR Delightsome Life awaits!
Starting a Gang of women over 50 who dynamically support one another.
Hands up if you want in our BETA Gang forming NOW.
When we grow to 100, we will totally get jackets 😉
Oh Yeah!
The Details
Learn to engage with intentional thinking about YOUR life and its greater meaning. Intentional Growth. GROW with ME is a holistic, private coaching ‘journey’ for women over 50 who want to form their legacy, create a delightsome second act, or a encore hustle with intention, support, and friendship. It is truly a safe, non-judgemental, guided space. I am committed to YOU {and me} living a fascinating life with passion, purpose, wonder, and wisdom. We were not meant to take this journey alone. NO Judgement. Kind Accountability. Loving Support.
My mission is to empower you to grow, thrive, and prosper.
What’s In It For YOU?
The 7 Tangible benefits:
- FREE Group Life Coaching sessions for 2 months {Weekly, Live}
- Two Individual Life Coaching Sessions with Rebecca* {1:1}
- A Copy of My Intentional Growth Journal {planner}
I decided to Deliberately and Intentionally design the most delightsome life I could. I created what I call My Intentional Growth Journal! I will share that journal/planner with you on Day One {Tuesday, January 16th}. That is how we will Design Your Days.
Plus, there will be: - Weekly Scalable Action Steps
- Monthly Live Hot Seat Coaching and Interviews
- Monthly Live Ask Me Anything Sessions
- PLUS, other things the Gang decides are necessary
In return, YOU will help design and shape GROW with ME! You will be asked for feedback, suggestions, brainstorms, total honesty, and a testimonial if you are so moved. That’s ALL!
Don’t miss your chance to receive FREE high-level coaching on whatever is weighing on YOU.
How much time will it take?
It will take as much time as you care to devote to your journey. There will be a recorded session every Thursday that you can attend live or watch on demand. Other than that, it is totally up to you to decide how much time you have to invest in YOU.
How will this help Boomer women?
Women who are trying to figure out what their empty nest or retirement years will look like will receive massive support, an accountability partner, and connection to others on the same path from a trained life coach…plus the 7 tangibles mentioned above. YOU will have clarity and a personal plan when you ring out 2018.
Here’s The Crazy Part!
In mid-March, I will open GROW with ME to the world at a cost YOU help me establish. You, as a BETA Gang member, are grandfathered in on a Pay What You Like plan. Yep, you decide what this program is worth to you. You can pay nadda or bizillions…totally up to you for the rest of our lives.
Why Would You Do That Rebecca?
- I believe in YOUR dreams and power!
- My coaching skills can help you manifest exactly what you want to do as an Encore Boomer!
- The help of a community will keep you focused and moving forward.
- I hope you will find huge value and life-long connections as you GROW with ME.
Click this BIG Button to Join the GROW BETA Gang
Facebook Group! We begin 1/16/18.
*Rebecca E. Parsons has coached and taught over 5,000 people since 1996. My uniqueness and super power is “Deconstructing the Complexities of STUCK for Radical Reinvention!”
- Developed “A Brand Called You” – a successful business coaching program for bloggers and small business owners with over 270 graduates.
- Coached 20+ top bloggers, which led to massive growth in traffic and income.
- Conducted weekend and day-long group coaching programs at major blogging conferences. iRetreat, BlogHer, SoFab On the Road, Click, etc.
- Conceived, developed, and administered the first online school for blogger education and development resulting in over 40,000 course completions in 4 years.
- Developed the first certification program for bloggers.
- Designed gamafication model for 10,000 member community to encourage engagement, loyalty, and retention.
- Managed educational component of large conferences.
- Created and developed award-winning school for the decorative arts in Georgia, Florida, and California.
- Developed and executed award-winning workshops for several organizations.
- Wrote expert curriculum on several topics.
If you need to know more about what we will be doing, here is a detailed look at the monthly themes:
GROWing Journey 2018
There are Quarterly Missions and Monthly Topics to guide the journey. Here are the juicy places we will go in 2018. WONDER begins Tuesday, January 16, 2018:
2018 Coaching Plan
Wonder – January thru March
Purpose – April thru June
Passion – July thru September
Wisdom – October thru December
JAN – Creating My Life Book
FEB – Asleep at the Wheel of Your Life
MAR – Embrace the Power of Radical Reinvention™
APR – Breaking the What Now
MAY – Plan B – Second Act
JUN – Work Thru the Complications
JUL – On Demand Culture
AUG – Fueled and Ready to Go
SEP – The Adventure Our Souls are Made For
OCT – Work Thru the Complications
NOV– Be The Magic, No the Illusion
DEC – Story Scripting
Give yourself the gift of possibilities. If you have ANY questions, please leave them below in the comments!
Beverly Allen says
I would like to join but do not do Facebook. Is Facebook a must for membership & access to the materials?
Rebecca says
I am afraid so Beverly. Sorry. It is only on Facebook.